Friday, November 11, 2011

Re: Immigration

After reading your blog, James, I am with you on this one. America is a developed country and we offer a variety of so many different things. In my personal opinion, illegal immigrants should be welcomed here. We have so many Americans here that frequently blame the illegal immigrants for taking away their jobs. However, we have to understand that the society and the economy is changing drastically.  It's not that they're stealing their jobs... They're just willing to work as long as they get their share of money.  Even as low as minimum wage, the illegal immigrants will give their all. They're not only doing it just for themselves but for their loved ones.  

Besides, it's a long and hard process to become "legal". They would have to apply in their home country and wait for approval. That could take up to years!  Think of how much money that would be compared to no money at all. I'm pretty sure they're not looking to get rich as their top priority but to make enough money to support their families.  Every human being encounters choices surrounded by risks. It's definitely hard being in their shoes. We Americans will never understand unless we took a day off from our lives and step into theirs.  Would you live in an under-developed country making less than one dollar a day for ten years or make $7.25 an hour while being under the label of illegal? It really is a tough choice but when you're under harsh circumstances, there are some risks you have to take.

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