Friday, September 30, 2011

Where's the Middle Class?

Ever heard of the catch phrase, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"? That is exactly what's going on right now according this editoral piece, Bad News: Our Middle Class is Shrinking.

I absolutely agree with the author. Over the past few years, I've seen family members, friends, and strangers stumbling upon unemployment. It's a staggering thing to watch, when all we want is to have income to support ourselves and our families. Unemployment plays a big role in the United States. Just like the article states, "There's no magic involved in reversing these trends. An improving economy that brings jobs to the tens of millions unemployed will certainly help". There is not enough space for the middle class anymore. The rich keeps doing what they're doing while earning a great amount of money to live on whilst the poor...get poorer. Where does the middle class stand these days? What the author of this piece is trying to show the audience is, there's soon only to be the rich class and the poor class. The middle class is shrinking because the unemployment that captures people's abiliy to find work. It is either they can't find work or they've given up already due to their marriage, level of education, or they've troubled themselves by with illegal substances. The U.S. government needs to take action immediately or we'll end up unrecognizable like the article piece said.

"Without a robust middle class, America risks becoming, well, unrecognizable".

We need to find a way to stabilize our national government in hopes that we will have the three working classes again. "An improving economy that brings jobs to the tens of millions unemployed will certainly help". That is exactly what the United States need, an improving economy.

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